
939 Broadway Lofts 로스 앤젤레스 다운타운에서 판매 및 임대 계약 South Park - DLXco

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939 Broadway Lofts

939 S Broadway St

Los Angeles CA 90015

반려동물 거주 가능: 예

Mills Act: 예

라이브와 직장: 아니

준공: Kenneth MacDonald, Jr - 1925

현대화 된: Barry Shy - 2018

Formerly home to and known as the “Western Costume Building,” 939 South Broadway has also left an impact in the Downtown Arts District for its involvement in filming and its prime location next to the United Artists Theatre.

The old Western Costume Building is located on the west side of Broadway, 130 to 230 feet north of the West Olympic Boulevard intersection. The structure was built at the request of the Ninth and Broadway Company. The prominent Los Angeles architect, Kenneth MacDonald, Jr. was commissioned to design the building. Construction was initiated on March 29, 1924, and completed by January, 1925. The notable local construction firm of MacDonald & Kahn executed the construction. The structure has subsequently been identified as the 939 South Broadway Building, and is currently identified as the Anjac Fashion Building at this address.

Located adjacent to the exuberantly Neo-Gothic United Artists Building, 939 South Broadway is an eleven story commercial structure in the more typical Renaissance Revival style. However, a two story Gothic- inspired Art Deco entrance is overlaid on the northernmost of the five bays of the facade. A segmented archway, emphasized by a chevron molding and a fluted spandrel, is flanked by fluted piers which taper into triangle embellished with scrolled designs. Elaborate metal work frames the one story door, the four round-headed windows in the transom, and the arched second story window. The remaining bays of the two story base contain altered storefronts on the ground level and three windows, separated by colonnette mullions, on the second story. Panelled piers, edged by spiralled moldings define the bays and are accented at the level of the first floor frieze by shields. A second frieze, topped by a cornice and antefixes, terminates the base of the building. The shaft is composed of the third through ninth floors and is faced with brown brick. No extraneous ornamentation interrupts the fenestration until a decorative frieze above the ninth story is reached. The capital of the building is two stories high and defined by continuous piers and mullions with terracotta spandrels between stories. Stylized Ionic capitals crown the piers. A decorative frieze, fringed with antefixes, culminates the design.

The old Western Costume Building is significant for its architectural integrity and quality, its design by a prominent local architect, as a stylistic and representative example of commercial architecture in Los Angeles, during this period, and for its consistency in scale, style, and period with neighboring buildings in the Central Business District, contributing to a unique sense of time and place.

건물 정보

  • 11층
  • 151세대
  • Rooftop Sky Deck and Pool
  • Indoor Gym
  • Theatre Room

유닛 정보

  • GE Stainless Steel Electric Range Oven
  • GE Stainless Steel Microwave Hood, vented to the outside
  • GE Stainless Steel Refrigerator, Top Freezer with ice maker
  • Granite countertops
  • GE or Frigidaire Stainless Steel Dishwasher
  • White lacquer Cabinets with engineered veneer finish
  • Quartz tops with Stainless Steel under mount sink
  • Moen Faucet, with pull out handle, square look, polished chrome
  • Entry Door – Natural wood stained mocha
  • Interior Doors – Wood frame obscured glass white lacquer paint
  • Interior Wardrobe Doors – sliding wood frame obscured glass
  • Floors – Porcelain Tile
  • In-Unit Laundry: GE or Whirlpool one piece electric stacked laundry, vented to the outside
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활성 및 보류 중 속성에 대한 통화 변환은 1 USD 달러 당 ₩1,376.80 달러의 환율을 기반으로합니다. 환율은 1969/12/31 18:00:00 GMT - 06:00/07:00 (미국 및 캐나다) 기준으로 업데이트되었습니다. 판매된 부동산 물건에 대한 통화 환산은 판매 날짜에 고시된 환율을 기준으로 합니다. 환율 데이터는 currencylayer.com에서 제공되는 주요 외환 데이터 공급자로부터 가져옵니다.